01Jul Posted on 07/01/201807/01/2018 Categories Fatigue Tags CFS, chronic fatigue syndrom, digestive system, fibromyalgia., immune system Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Ever the optimist, I saw the title of a Medscape article “A Revised Approach for Chronic Fatigue S...
09May Posted on 05/09/201806/01/2023 Categories Fatigue, Modern Medicine Tags adderall, ADHD, amphetamines, anxiety, depression, fatigue, fibromyalgia., medication, pain management, ritalin Recycling Amphetamines A whole new generation of adults is addicted to amphetamines and they don’t even know it. Neu...
11Mar Posted on 03/11/201806/01/2023 Categories Fatigue, Minerals Tags CFS, fatigue, fibromyalgia., magnesium deficiency, osteoarthritis, pain management, RBC test, stress, yeast overgrowth Fibromyalgia Linked to Deficiencies in RBC Magnesium I’d like to apologize for not having the following reference in the 2017 edition of The Magne...
29Nov Posted on 11/29/2017 Categories Fatigue Breakthrough Your Barriers Summit The Breakthrough Your Barriers Summit with Dr. Jeanine Staples marks the end of my Summit career! I...
20Mar Posted on 03/20/201707/21/2017 Categories Brain, Fatigue, Lifestyle Tags adrenal fatigue, CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome The Total Biology of CFS Paul Virilio (born 1932) is a French cultural theorist best known for his writings about technology...
09Feb Posted on 02/09/201706/02/2023 Categories Fatigue, Thyroid Tags adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands, hormones, pre-eclampsia, thyroid Hormonal Harmony Summit – Pre-eclampsia Signals Vascular Disease Risk I’m writing today about the Hormonal Harmony Summit hosted by Kiran Ram, which begins Feb 20, 2017...
26May Posted on 05/26/201607/31/2017 Categories Fatigue, Modern Medicine Tags doctors, healing, healthcare, physician burnout Healers in Need of Healing Cannot Heal According to a recent Medscape article Healers in Need of Healing Cannot Heal, “The ‘triple aimâ...
22May Posted on 05/22/201607/31/2017 Categories Fatigue, Minerals Tags magnesium deficiency, mineral deficiency, natural remedies Just Take Them and Feel Better!! In the midst of That Vitamin Summit, which has a free encore presentation today, a customer sent the...
10Jan Posted on 01/10/201607/31/2017 Categories Fatigue, Nutrition Tags alternative medicine, food, mineral deficiency, strict diet, vegan diet Be/Live/Work Summit Alba Creales calls her Summit, Work//Live//Be: 21 Spiritual Lessons For A Happy + Healthy Life. But...