Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND is dedicated to researching and applying findings about cellular nutrition. She is the author of over 50 books including best seller The Magnesium Miracle®.

ReMag® Absorption Study at Purdue
A placebo and cross over blinded control study.
PUBLISHED STUDY Circulating Ionized Magnesium as a Measure of Supplement Bioavailability: Results from a Pilot Study for Randomized Clinical Trial https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/5/1245

Magnesium PLUS Focus Project
Dr. Dean is continuing her ongoing research with GrassrootsHealth, focusing on the Magnesium*Plus Focus Project. In this project they are looking at the relationship among magnesium, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 and the correct dosages of these nutrients for the individual. GrassrootsHealth now includes magnesium testing in their projects to allow for balancing Vitamin D with magnesium.

With Dr. Taylor Wallace
Dr. Dean continues her magnesium research with Dr. Taylor Wallace. These findings could very well change the way doctors view magnesium testing. Dr. Dean’s research with Dr. Wallace opens a new opportunity for updating testing protocols in hospitals and clinics where the use of Ionized Magnesium Testing equipment becomes imperative for cardiac and ICU patients where magnesium therapy plays a critical role in recovery.

Nutritional Magnesium Association
Up to 80 percent of the U.S. population is suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Dr. Dean provides timely and useful information on the subject of nutritional magnesium so as to improve the lives of all people affected by the widespread deficiency of this mineral in our diets and the related health issues associated with this deficiency.

Proprietary Formulations
After writing about magnesium deficiency for over 15 years, Dr. Dean had encouraged magnesium companies to make a fully absorbed magnesium product that would suit the needs of the public for consistent, quality results but was met with no progress.
Finally, she formed New Capstone, Inc. and hired chemists and manufacturers to produce New Capstone’s proprietary line of nutritional products. In 2015, New Capstone launched RnA ReSet®, designed to feature those products and communicate their benefits to the public.

The Magnesium Miracle®
Dr. Dean wrote the seminal work in magnesium education, The Magnesium Miracle®, and updated this important book in 2017 with a total of 600 references. Doctors, practitioners, and lay people alike use this important book as a reference to understand the importance of magnesium to health. The Magnesium Miracle® has been quoted in hundreds of professional and lay publications, and most doctors who suggest supplementing magnesium use information found in this book. Available on Amazon.

Hormone Balance
A woman’s guide to restoring health and vitality. Prescriptive, easy-to-read information that helps women overcome the hormonal rollercoaster that often leads to mood swings, PMS, weight gain, and more. This comprehensive work provides traditional and alternative solutions for women to balance hormones and achieve greater overall health. Available on Amazon.

IBS for Dummies & IBS Cookbook for Dummies
This plain-English, reassuring guide explains all aspects of this frustrating condition and helps you find the right doctor and treatment plan. You get up-to-date information on the latest tests, healthy nutrition guidelines, diet and exercise plans, and the newest medicines and therapies to bring you much-needed relief. Available on Amazon.
The IBS Cookbook provides dietary tips and information you need to decrease your symptoms and discomfort simply by watching what you eat. You’ll find more than 100 tasty recipes you can easily make at home. Available on Amazon.

Over 50 books available on Kindle
Dr. Dean is committed to helping anyone understand more about nutrients, their requirements in the body, and ways to promote health and vitality in a proactive manner.
Some of the most popular titles include: ReSet Your Ideal Weight, Future Health Now! Encyclopedia, Total Body ReSet for Your Thyroid, ReSet The Yeast Connection, ReMyte & ReCalcia: Invisible Minerals Part II. All available on Amazon.