Endocrine System

Endocrine System

Endocrine System

People often go their whole lives without understanding why they never have enough energy while blaming mood swings on unrelated issues. This pillar is focused on the ways your body regulates its energy levels, hormones, and the multiple structures that control these processes.Learn more about the body’s development and how the endocrine system supports or can sabotage these processes. Understand more about how reproductive glands, thyroid, and adrenals and how these organs are interconnected and controlled to maintain a balance.

Endocrine System will include the following topics:

  • Energy Production
  • Hormonal Balance
  • Insulin-Related Functions
  • Nutrients To Function
Carolyn Dean

An Introduction to the Endocrine System

This pillar will look at the endocrine system, examining its impact on physiological processes, from hormone regulation and balance to fertility.An individual can go their whole life without understanding why they lack energy, blaming mood swings on unrelated issues. Consisting of a network of glands distributed throughout the body, producing hormones, the endocrine system is rarely talked about, despite being responsible for virtually every cell, organ and bodily function.

If an individual’s endocrine system is not healthy, they may experience problems during puberty or have fertility issues. Problems in the endocrine system can also impair an individual’s ability to cope with stress or even cause weight gain and weak bones, leaving them with a lack of energy because too much sugar remains in their blood rather than moving into cells where it is desperately needed for energy.

Glands are organs that make and distribute hormones that fulfill specific roles within the body. Endocrine glands release substances into the bloodstream.

Endocrine System and The Metabolic System

The endocrine system produces hormones that control mood, growth and development, organs, reproduction, and metabolism. The embedded PDF takes an in-depth look at the topic of metabolism and factors that can interfere with the metabolic system, causing people to gain weight.

Glands are organs that make and distribute hormones that fulfill specific roles within the body. Endocrine glands release substances into the bloodstream.

Dr Carolyn Dean

Endocrine System Disorders

As people grow older, they typically start to notice that processes connected to their endocrine system start to change, such as their metabolism slowing down. In addition, infections, stress, and contact with particular chemicals can also affect the endocrine system, in addition to lifestyle habits and genetics that increase a person’s risk of hypothyroidism, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other endocrine disorders.

You can learn more about conditions that affect the endocrine system by viewing the embedded infographic.

Glands and Endocrine System

Many glands are incorporated in the endocrine system, including the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, and the hypothalamus, which are all located in the brain. The embedded video contains more information about the role of the hypothalamus gland.

Other glands that form part of the endocrine system including the thymus, which is located between the lungs; the adrenal glands, which are situated at the top of the kidneys; the pancreas, which lies behind the stomach; and the parathyroid and thyroid glands in the neck. In addition, testes in men and ovaries in women both play an important role in the endocrine system.

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