The Value of A Healthy Gut Biome Better health can’t be achieved without better digestion. Ofte...
Everyone experiences stress sometimes. We can all relate to feeling that rush of energy and anxiety...
Allopathic medicine has consistently failed to acknowledge the role that nutrients play in supportin...
Why have we practitioners shied away from prescribing, or even recommending, high doses of potassium...
Why do I recommend the Magnesium Deficiency Questionnaire instead of magnesium blood testing? In&...
In medicine, we’re trained to be isolationists. We only focus on one disease, one drug, or one nut...
I recently contributed to a post on UpJourney where some health practitioners gave their recommendat...
How can nutrients that the body requires for every breath we take, every move we make, and every tho...
According to my friend, Susun Weed (Yes she’s a herbalist!) there are three medical traditions: Sc...