25Apr Posted on 04/25/201805/20/2018 Categories Modern Medicine, Yeast Tags allergies, antacids, babies, children, food intolerance, fractures, GERD, infants, yeast overgrowth Antacids for Infants Linked with Allergies and Fractures I’ve heard of an increase in allergies in bottle fed babies. I’ve certainly heard of antibiotics...
05Apr Posted on 04/05/201607/31/2017 Categories Hormones, Lifestyle, Nutrition Tags babies, children, mothers, pregnancy, woman High Heels and High Chairs Summit Yes, you guessed it, this Summit is for Moms with Kids. Dr. Michelle Sands is a Naturopath with a co...
05Aug Posted on 08/05/200910/30/2017 Categories Lifestyle Tags babies, children, fetal, newborn, pregnancy Why Newborn Babies Get Life-Threatening Diseases In response to my message last Thursday (about how inner conflicts may be the root cause of all dise...