03Oct Posted on 10/03/201806/02/2023 Categories Lifestyle, Modern Medicine Tags accidents, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar, calcium, death rates, depression, detox, heavy metals, impaired driving, injuries, life expectancy, Liver disease, medication, opioids, SSRIs, suicide US Life Expectancy Going Down A Medscape article announced “US Life Expectancy Going Down.” What do they blame? Because they h...
02Sep Posted on 09/02/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags ADHD, bipolar, Chromosome 14, emotional balance, emotional health, Hashimoto's disease, heart, heart disease, heart failure, labyrinth of the mind, me, Meniere's disease, migraines, pink himalayan salt, Total Biology Heart Health – Deconstructing Heart Supplements 9-2-14 Presentation: Dr. Dean deconstructs some popular heart supplements to show our listening audience...
10Jul Posted on 07/10/201206/02/2023 Categories Detoxification, Mood Tags ADD, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, depression, EMPowerplus, panic attacks Power your Mind with EMPowerplus An announcement about the GlaxoSmithKline $3 BILLION healthcare fraud settlement on July 2, 2012 rem...