17Mar Posted on 03/17/201903/16/2019 Categories Brain, magnesium Tags brain, cerebrospinal fluid, CNS, headache, nervous system, neurological Magnesium Crosses the BBB I’ve been thinking a lot about the BBB since the 2009 rat study “Enhancement of Learning and Mem...
16Dec Posted on 12/16/201812/16/2018 Categories Brain, Lifestyle Tags ADHD, autism, cell phones, cerebrospinal fluid, children, digital, kids, learning, memory, smartphones, technology, video games What’s Happening to Kids’ Brains? Is ADHD Really Increasing? This article on Medscape came out at the same time WebMD report...
09Sep Posted on 09/09/201809/09/2018 Categories Brain, Modern Medicine Tags Alzheimer's, brain, brain exercises, cerebrospinal fluid, learning, memory, neurosciences The Brain Can Change I recently read Dr. Norman Doidge’s books – The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s...