My Dad asked the same question over and over. He was supposed to go to the grocery store. Dad phoned...
For decades Alzheimer’s disease was thought to be caused by the build up of an amyloid protein in...
It was very frustrating to read this article “Shortage of Antianxiety Drug Leaves Patients in the...
I recently read Dr. Norman Doidge’s books – The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way...
Is ADHD Really Increasing? This article on Medscape came out at the same time WebMD report...
A recent Medscape article reported that “Head Injury Tied to Long-term Cognitive Decline, Dementia...
I recently read Dr. Norman Doidge’s books – The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s...
Well, you might as well just pack me in ice and thaw me out when medicine comes to its senses becaus...
Does your nervous system make you nervous? Or better yet - are you concerned that your nervous syst...