Hour One - October 12, 2020 Hour Two - October 12, 2020 There are many take-aways from 2020 he...
In my last post I started outlining how you can begin to take your health power back into your...
Every day I see our customers and potential customers taking the power for their health care choices...
And how do they propose doing that? A Medscape article, “Federal Task Force Highlights Ways to Lim...
After my last Blog “The Three Traditions of Medicine” Some readers wanted more information about...
There is nothing new in this headline except the number of prescriptions to seniors has increased. ...
During our “Lower Your Infectious Load” webinar on June 28, 2018, Ginney and I explained how to...
It seems that drug companies have maneuvered their way around the illegality of giving doctors gifts...
The FDA, like a school-yard bully, is once again harassing the gentle practice of homeopathy, probab...