11Mar Posted on 03/11/201906/01/2023 Categories podcast Tags aging, anxiety, cognition, dizziness, fatigue, fatty liver, Hypertension, insomnia, neuropathy, pain management, palpitations, Raynaud's Disease, sleep apnea, stress, tremors, young, youthful “Youthing” Simple, Effective Strategies for Staying Young- Carolyn Dean MD ND Radio Show In 1993, Dr. Jean Durlach, a preeminent magnesium expert in France, summed up the existing research...
18Mar Posted on 03/18/201607/31/2017 Categories Lifestyle Tags aging, health, young Life Mastery Beyond 40 Interview I’m way beyond age 40, so I forget that for some people, turning 40 equals entering midlife. Fortu...