04Jan Posted on 01/04/201901/05/2019 Categories Heart, Modern Medicine Tags apple watch, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, beta blockers, blood thinners, cardiac ablation, FDA, heart rhythm, statins Too Much Information (TMI) Our culture is suffering from too much information and at the same time we are losing our words to r...
25Jul Posted on 07/25/201807/22/2018 Categories Arthritis, Modern Medicine Tags AFib, Anticoagulants, atrial fibrilation, blood thinners, Eliquis, Naproxen, NSAIDS, osteoarthriti, Pradaxa, prescriptions, Savaysa, Xarelto NSAIDs + Anticoagulants a Dangerous Combination Medscape announced their conclusion from a recent clinical investigation finding that “NSAIDs Plus...
05Aug Posted on 08/05/201304/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags blood thinners, breast feeding, caffeine, chronic fatigue, Completement Formula, depression, dimineralization of soil, diuretic, electrolytes, EMPower Plus, fluoride, hydrochloric acid, iON, Lyme's Disease, neurological effects, ReAline, ReMyte, Rosacea, stress, Zinc Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 8-5-13 Hour 2 Presentation: Advent of ReMyte; Rosacea; weaning off drugs for chronic fatigue and depression; blood...