07Aug Posted on 08/07/201906/02/2023 Categories Modern Medicine Tags allopathic, FDA, fluoride, GERD, medication, PPI, prescriptions, proton pump inhibitors PPIs Burn Magnesium, But Who Cares!! In a very patronizing, condescending tone, Medscape advises patients “PPIs Just Stop Worrying” b...
25Jul Posted on 07/25/201907/25/2019 Categories magnesium, Modern Medicine Tags B Vitamins, birth, children, diabetes, glutathione, heart disease, kids, Magnesium Miracle, meds, minerals, prescriptions, protein, psychiatric disorder, supplements, vitamin b12, vitamin b9, vitamins Going After The Kids Without Magnesium Allopathic medicine is terrified of diabetes and all the horrible associated conditions. They are so...
28Nov Posted on 11/28/201806/02/2023 Categories Modern Medicine Tags bisphosphonates, depression, magnesium deficiency, medication, prescriptions Long Term Prescriptions When I was in medical school in the mid-70s we were taught to only give prescriptions to our patient...
25Jul Posted on 07/25/201807/22/2018 Categories Arthritis, Modern Medicine Tags AFib, Anticoagulants, atrial fibrilation, blood thinners, Eliquis, Naproxen, NSAIDS, osteoarthriti, Pradaxa, prescriptions, Savaysa, Xarelto NSAIDs + Anticoagulants a Dangerous Combination Medscape announced their conclusion from a recent clinical investigation finding that “NSAIDs Plus...
22Jul Posted on 07/22/200911/09/2017 Categories Cancer Prevention, Modern Medicine Tags doctors, health, lungs, medicine, prescriptions Why My Father Let Lung Cancer Take Him Away Last Friday, Total Health Breakthroughs published an article I wrote exclusively for their online ne...