04Nov Magnesium Miracles Continue – Lifelong Anxiety Disappears 11-3-14 Archive Posted on 11/04/201402/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags anxiety, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, blood brain barrier, Chromosome 14, iON, labyrinth of the mind, ReLyte, ReMag, RnA Drops, telomeres, Testimonials, Total Biology, yeast overgrowth
19Aug Dr Carolyn Dean Radio Archives 8-18-14 Hour 2 Posted on 08/19/201402/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags anxiety, atrial fibrillation, autoimmune disease, bacteria, blood pressure, burns, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Completement Formula, diabetes, eye wash, iON, menstruation, muscles, ovulation, ReMag, ReMyte, ReNew, RnA Drops, sea salt, ulcerative colitis, Weight Loss, yeast overgrowth
27May Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 5-26-14 Hour 1 Posted on 05/27/201402/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags d-cell, eye, eyes, iON, living water, longevity, macular degeneration, Magnesium Miracle, medication, neuropathy, Non-Physical, topical magnesium, Total Biology, tumors, Vit B6
28Apr Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 4-28-14 Hour 2 Posted on 04/28/201402/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags ankylosing spondylitis, balance, Chromosome 14, diabetes, environment, good manufacturing practice, inflammation, iON, labyrinth of the mind, parasites, pollution, power of words, ReAline, Restless Leg Syndrome, RnA Drops, weight loss/gain, yeast overgrowth
05Aug Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 8-5-13 Hour 2 Posted on 08/05/201302/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags blood thinners, breast feeding, caffeine, chronic fatigue, Completement Formula, depression, dimineralization of soil, diuretic, electrolytes, EMPower Plus, fluoride, hydrochloric acid, iON, Lyme's Disease, neurological effects, ReAline, ReMyte, Rosacea, stress, Zinc
22Jul Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 7-22-13 Posted on 07/22/201302/03/2025 Categories Member, podcast Tags appetite, Back Discomfort, castor oil, coconut oil, energy, epilepsy, ginger, iON, Lazarus Project, lymph nodes, master cleanse, neuron, Non-Physical, power of words, ReNew, RnA Drops, Testimonials, Total Biology