03Jun Posted on 06/03/201507/06/2017 Categories Minerals, Muscles Tags animals, cats, dogs, horses, muscle cramps, pets Magnesium for Horses I received the following email today from a horse owner. “My favorite horse gets muscle cramps....
30Jul Posted on 07/30/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags Completement Now, dogs, eczema, Egoscue Tower, epsom salts, fever blisters, ganglions, herpes simplex, hip replacement, microwave, nail ridge, pets, radiation, ReNew, rose hips, Total Biology, vegetarian Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 11-4-13 Hour 2 Presentation: Nail ridge discussion continued; egoscue tower for body realignment; how to dilute ReN...
27Jul Posted on 07/27/201109/18/2017 Categories Digestion Tags cats, dogs, Prescript Assist, probiotics, squirrels Prescript Assist for Dogs, Cats & Squirrels This week I had a question that I couldn’t answer. “Can Prescript Assist be safely given to a do...