03Jun Posted on 06/03/201507/06/2017 Categories Minerals, Muscles Tags animals, cats, dogs, horses, muscle cramps, pets Magnesium for Horses I received the following email today from a horse owner. “My favorite horse gets muscle cramps....
11Nov Posted on 11/11/201406/01/2023 Categories podcast Tags Avelox, depression, detox, Dogs and cats, flouride, inflammation, insomnia, Magnesium RBC test, medication, pet care, pets, pink himalayan salt, ReNew, RnA Drops, yeast overgrowth CIPRO Toxicity — A Natural Effective Solution Archive 11-10-14 If you or a loved one is currently taking CIPRO (or any fluoroquinolone such as Avelox and Levaquin)...
30Jul Posted on 07/30/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags Completement Now, dogs, eczema, Egoscue Tower, epsom salts, fever blisters, ganglions, herpes simplex, hip replacement, microwave, nail ridge, pets, radiation, ReNew, rose hips, Total Biology, vegetarian Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 11-4-13 Hour 2 Presentation: Nail ridge discussion continued; egoscue tower for body realignment; how to dilute ReN...
02Jun Posted on 06/02/201406/01/2023 Categories podcast Tags absorption, allergies, animal protein, Bioallers Dander Homeopathic, blood pressure, epigenetics, magnesium deficiency, Magnesium RBC test, minerals, pets, pollen, probiotics, self-empowerment Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 6-2-14 Hour 1 Presentation: Another Mineral Show: Health Warning – Former Distributors Look-Alike product is dec...
19May Posted on 05/19/201406/01/2023 Categories podcast Tags coffee enema, dog, headaches, hot flashes, Magnesium RBC test, nutrients, pet care, pets, yeast overgrowth Nutrient Power! Dr. Carolyn Dean Live Archive 5-19-14 Hour 1 Presentation: Drugs vs. Nutrients Show 2:40 Discussion about Medscape Article regarding 100 Most Pr...
24Mar Posted on 03/24/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags animals, cancer, cats, Completement Formula, gluten, pet care, pets, ReMag, resources, RnA Drops, The Magnesium Miracle, veterinarian Drugs vs. Natural Wellness Products Presentation: Continuing discussion about drugs vs. natural wellness support; Dr. Dean’s products...