Ask anyone you encounter and they can rattle off several life events that are causing majo...
Modern Medicine knows next to nothing about Antiaging Medicine and assumes a ridiculous patronizing...
Grrrrrr. Medscape happily published the following article “No Scientific Proof That Multivitamins...
LISTEN TO THE ARCHIVE - Hour One - right click to download 2018-07-09--1600---Live-With-Dr-Carolyn...
Not a week goes by without health experts proclaiming the miraculous effects of some superfood or nu...
Wendy Myers is joined by co-host, Ian Clarke to bring you the Medicinal Supplement Summit. For 8 day...
At the beginning of a New Year I want to highlight several of the best interviews I had in 2015 and...
Presentation: Drugs vs. Nutrients Show 2:40 Discussion about Medscape Article regarding 100 Most Pr...
Presentation: Drugs vs. nutrients; Joe Dunn Sloan’s work on D-Cell; RnA Drops, bacteria, and probi...