07Aug Posted on 08/07/201406/02/2023 Categories podcast Tags apple cider vinegar, baking soda, bentonite clay, bladder, central nervous system, edema, Grave's Disease, Hypertension, kidney, Magnesium Miracle, migraines, nail ridge, ReAline, ReMyte, Testimonials, Total Biology, UTI [urinary tract infection], wound care Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 8-4-14 Hour 2 Presentation: More Health Questions; Back and kidney pain. Possible urinary tract infection. Total B...
30Jul Posted on 07/30/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags Completement Now, dogs, eczema, Egoscue Tower, epsom salts, fever blisters, ganglions, herpes simplex, hip replacement, microwave, nail ridge, pets, radiation, ReNew, rose hips, Total Biology, vegetarian Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 11-4-13 Hour 2 Presentation: Nail ridge discussion continued; egoscue tower for body realignment; how to dilute ReN...