Presentation: The Chronicle of Conditions Show; Email testimonial regarding ReMag’s support of eld...
Presentation: Nail ridge discussion continued; egoscue tower for body realignment; how to dilute ReN...
Presentation: RnA Drops and relaxing and allowing your body to choose its own food; Updated testimon...
On Facebook someone recently asked me how to deal with radiation from Fukushima. I blogged about Rad...
Presentation: Testimonial from Akido who lives near Fukishima in Japan. He talks about not being eff...
Presentation: ReNew and skin care, the "No"cebo effect of doctors making pronouncements over you, no...
I remember speaking at the American Medical Women’s Association and getting into an argument with...
I’m not an oncologist; maybe they don’t have to repeat the Hippocratic Oath when they graduate b...
My friend, Dr. Galina Migalko just opened her new office. It’s called Universal Medical Imaging Gr...