LISTEN TO THE ARCHIVE Hour One - right click to download 2017-06-26--1600---Live-With-Dr-Carol...
Isn't it great to know you can elevate your mood, relieve stress, and even get your spouse healthy a...
Presentation: The Chronicle of Conditions Show; Email testimonial regarding ReMag’s support of eld...
Presentation: American Society of Nutrition’s statement about processed food and its effects; food...
Presentation: Labyrinth painting by Sheila Kern; attitude of gratitude; Body’s intelligence; Rules...
Presentation: Self-Responsibility for Health: Research and educate yourself about your health care c...
Presentation: Discussion of D-Cell and I-Block water purifiers and RnA Drops; RnA Drops and myocitis...
Presentation: RnA Drops and parasite problems; traveling with RnA Drops; RnA Drops as food technolog...
Presentation: Drugs vs. nutrients; Joe Dunn Sloan’s work on D-Cell; RnA Drops, bacteria, and probi...