14Mar Posted on 03/14/201803/11/2018 Categories Heart, Minerals Tags atrial fibrillation, blood pressure, headaches, heart attack, heart disease, magnesium deficiency, Migraine, Restless legs Magnesium Deficiency Links Migraine & Heart Disease Before you get too excited that allopathic medicine is linking magnesium to migraine and heart disea...
01Nov Posted on 11/01/201408/08/2017 Categories Diabetes, Minerals Tags diabetes, gastroparesis, Magnesium Miracle, Restless legs, stress Magnesium for Stress, Diabetes, Gastroparesis and Leg Cramps People are lining up with their in depth testimonials to inspire and validate the miracle of magnesi...
01Jul Posted on 07/01/201406/02/2023 Categories Modern Medicine, Muscles Tags dopamine, iron, medication, Restless legs, RLS Restless Legs Need Magnesium It wasn’t until 1995 and 2003 that definitive papers were written about Restless Leg Syndrome. Tha...