06Dec Posted on 12/06/201507/31/2017 Categories Lifestyle, Minerals Tags hydration, remineralize, sea salt, self-love, Water The Self-Love Revolution Summit Dr. Tina Christie is a naturopath back in my old hometown – Toronto. In her “Mind-Body” practi...
27Apr Posted on 04/27/201508/02/2017 Categories Lifestyle, Minerals Tags Beautiful, hydration, sea salt, skin care, Water Beautiful, Sexy, Badass Over 40 Telesummit I’m still in the midst of writing my book on AFib and making all kinds of interesting discoveries...
14Oct Posted on 10/14/201404/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags atrial fibrillation, balance, blood pressure, Completement Formula, GAPS Diet, hydration, Magnesium RBC test, ReMag, ReMyte, RnA Drops, sea salt, Water, yeast overgrowth The Eye’s Have It! Carolyn Dean Live Archive 10-13-14 Two hours of common sense information, nutrient-based recommendations and inspiring caller content i...
03Aug Posted on 08/03/201406/01/2023 Categories podcast Tags arthritis, athletics, back surgery, baking soda, detox, doctor, enhance performance, feet, fibriods, fingers, glutathione, health regimen, hormones, inflammation, medication, methadone, minerals, pain management, self-empowerment, stem cells, Total Biology, Water Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 7-14-14 Hour 2 Presentation: The health empowerment show: When you have a significant health issue, go to the docto...
08Jul Posted on 07/08/201406/02/2023 Categories podcast Tags Alcohol, brain, brain fog, Crohn's Disease, detox, diarrhea, fungus, Liposomal Vitamin C, Magnesium Miracle, minerals, pain management, Prescript Assist, sarcoidosis, sugar, Total Biology, Water, yeast overgrowth, yoga Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 7-7-14 Hour 2 Presentation: The Yeast Connection Show: alcohol and magnesium; ReMag and Vit C for overeating; Croh...
06May Posted on 05/06/201304/14/2023 Categories podcast Tags alkalizing juice, anxiety, balance, green juice, herxheimers reaction, high blood pressure, mercury fillings, power of words, ReAline, skin care, stress, Water Dr. Carolyn Dean Radio Archive 5-6-13 Hour 2 Presentation: Testimony re: skin care benefits [00:36]; various forms of detox symptoms when first u...
03Jul Posted on 07/03/201209/06/2017 Categories Minerals Tags blood pressure, hydration, sea salt, trace minerals, Water Water, Sea Salt and Magnesium Several questions came after my Solution For Dehydration post of July 1, 2012. None the least of whi...
03Sep Posted on 09/03/201106/02/2023 Categories Minerals Tags bentonite clay, chlorine, detox, fluoride, Water Questions about Water Quality A reader sent in the following question. “How does the fluoride in municipal water affect clay/mag...
08Aug Posted on 08/08/201109/18/2017 Categories Minerals Tags magnesium water, mineral water, Water Magnesium & Water One solution to global magnesium deficiency is for people to drink magnesium-rich water. Adobe Sprin...