September is Healthy Aging Month! So, I scanned through many of the articles I wrote on aging. Since...
Modern Medicine knows next to nothing about Antiaging Medicine and assumes a ridiculous patronizing...
Increasing magnesium intake may be a valid strategy to enhance cognitive abilities. This comes on th...
You notice from my blog title, which is same as the Medscape article “How Chronic Is Polypharmacy...
The Sacramento Bee published the coolest article titled “Want to Cut Your Risk of Dementia? Moistu...
Elderly people in the United States represent an emerging high-risk group for nutritional deficienci...
In 1993, Dr. Jean Durlach, a preeminent magnesium expert in France, summed up the existing research...
"Is an Antiaging Drug Around the Corner?" is the title of a Medscape article highlighting ten years...
In “More Bad News About Benzos”, Medscape is warning doctors that Benzos are a bad choice for th...