Everyone experiences stress sometimes. We can all relate to feeling that rush of energy and anxiety...
Presentation: Autoimmune Diseases, Yeast, and Completement Products – Dr. Carolyn Dean Live 4-7-14...
Presentation: Another show where using minerals is highlighted. Most powerful moment, however, was w...
Presentation: More Health Questions; Back and kidney pain. Possible urinary tract infection. Total B...
Presentation: Self-Care and Self-Responsibility Show; Self-Care to create a state of relaxation and...
Presentation: A night of testimonials and intelligent conversation; testimonial that latest batch of...
Presentation: The health empowerment show: When you have a significant health issue, go to the docto...
Presentation: Magnesium Deficiency and Yeast Overgrowth Show. Deb West’s testimony about adding 3...
Presentation: The Chronicle of Conditions Show; Email testimonial regarding ReMag’s support of eld...